Monday, June 14, 2010

Daddy Dance!!

June 12, 2010 - MaKayla asked Daddy to dance in her recital. There is an annual "Daddy Dance" and Andy couldn't say no to her. He has been practicing for about 2 months now. It was suppose to be a surprise so we couldn't see any of the practices. There were 5 shows over the weekend. Andy was in all of them! MaKayla would not be allowed to leave backstage during the show of her recital so her and I went on Saturday to watch. There were two "Daddy Dances" per recital. All the men did a fabulous job especially Andy! Andy is the third man going from right to left in the top photo.
Andy is the one with the man on his shoulders with his arm in the air
Daddy Dance #2 - not sure which on is Andy
Daddy Dance #2 was done in the dark with glow sticks stuck to them. It was a really cool performance but impossible to get good pictures of.
Hopefully you can get the idea
Andy is in between the two guys with their arms up in the air. He has green glow sticks closest to the guy in the middle.
MaKayla was so proud of her Daddy!!!! She saw people walking around with flowers and asked me what they were doing. I told her they were giving them to the girls who danced in the recital. She asked if she could get on for her Daddy. Thank goodness they had some for sale.
Daddy was so happy that MaKayla was so proud of him! This is the first flower he has ever been given. He couldn't stop smelling it!

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