Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Father's Day!!!

Sunday, June 17th, Father’s Day! MaKayla woke Daddy up and gave him a card. She even put her own personal touch on it, teeth marks and baby slobber. Andy is such a good Husband and Dad! He is a great man of God and we are blessed to have him! Thank you sweetie for all that you do and for guiding our family in the light of God!
She also gave him a picture frame that says, "Daddy’s Girl" with a picture of the two of them.
MaKayla and I both gave him a AM radio for his 1970 Dodge Challenger. We finally were able to find a date coded radio. That was a task!! He was very happy and it made it all worth while.

Andy had to leave in the afternoon, we both cried. His first Father’s Day that we were really able to celebrate and he had to leave for work. I went from a house full of people to just MaKayla and I. It was a very sad afternoon! I really miss my husband when he is gone during the week.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What adorable Father's Day pictures - especially the one with MaKayla waking up daddy. I love that smile she has on her face!