Monday, October 18, 2010

"The Great Pumpkin Train"

October 17, 2010 – While Daddy was working on staining the house I took the kids to the National Railroad Museum for their special “Great Pumpkin Train” event. There were all kinds of Halloween activities for the kids inside the center. MaKayla & Noah took turns playing toss a ring about the pumpkin to win a piece of candy.
The kids are watching a magic show.
Arts & Crafts
MaKayla loved the arts & crafts table where she made an elephant mask.
Noah tried his hardest to get the ball in the hole but it just wouldn't cooperate!
Noah is mesmerized by the train!
Our little engineer!
We boarded "The Great Pumpkin Train" for a short three minute ride to the pumpkin patch. It was actually just a bunch of pumpkins laying on the ground but the kids thought it was great! Noah is looking out the window of the train.
The pumpkin patch!
MaKayla is searching for just the right one!
Noah found his pumpkin!
MaKayla with her pumpkin!

Noah had to go an inspect some more pumpkins to make sure he picked the right one!
Noah is standing guard to make sure no one swipes our pumpkins!
The three of us with our pumpkins before we boarded the train again. Let me tell you it was quite a task trying to carry all three pumpkins by myself and get two kids on the train.
Noah loved the train ride the most!
Mommy is worn out but the kids are still fun of energy!
We had a lot of fun but I have to admit I did miss Edward's Apple Orchard where we have gone in the past. It just didn't seem complete without the hot apple cider donuts, apples, pony rides and all the goodies!

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