Saturday, July 16, 2011

Paper Fest!

July 16, 2011 - Since paper mills are a huge industry here we have Paper Fest. This was our first year and the kids had a good time.
Noah of course had to wait for the car with flames!
Daddy and Noah are trout fishing. Unfortunately, they did not catch any fish!

The kids got the opportunity to make paper. First, they tore colored paper into small pieces. Second, the paper was blended with water.

Third, the mixtures was poured in their hands. MaKayla opted out of this part. Fourth, the mixture is poured on screens. Fifth, we used a mini shop vac to suck out the water from under the screen.

Sixth, they used paper to blot more water.

Seventh, they rolled the mushy paper between two dry sheets with a rolling pin.

Eighth, Iron the paper.

Ninth, you have wet paper that needs to dry. It was very educational and the kids had fun learning how to make paper.

Andy and Noah's favorite part was the car show.

Daddy won both kids a prize by ringing the bell all three times! Way to go Daddy!

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