Monday, April 05, 2010

Happy Resurrection Day!!!

April 4, 2010 - Happy Resurrection Day!!! Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for our sins!! Andy slept with MaKayla the night before Easter. When I went in to wake them up for church I found them snuggling. How cute!
MaKayla and Noah noticed their Easter baskets as soon as they woke up. We made them wait until after church to open them or find any eggs. We wanted them to understand that the true meaning of Easter is about Christ Jesus and not about the Easter Bunny.
MaKayla asked secretly asked the Easter Bunny for sand toys for her sand box for Easter. He must have heard her!
Noah was off running finding eggs and bringing each one back to Daddy to put in his basket. He was so cute to watch.
The Easter Bunny hid rakes and shovels in the woods.
Those will come in hand this summer and fall!
A squirrel found one of the eggs and tried to get a tasty Easter treat!
The Easter Bunny gave Noah sunglasses. What a cool dude!
What a cool light stick.
He loves his glasses and wouldn't take them off for lunch.
After her nap, MaKayla wanted to play with her new toys in the sand box.

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