October 31, 2007
MaKayla’s second Halloween! It is so hard to believe that we are celebrating a second year of holidays already. This year she was a little tulip that my sister Laura sent her for her birthday. She is the cutest little tulip I have ever seen! Okay, so maybe I am biased! A friend as me today if we are going to let her out of the garden next year. Last year she was a pea pod and this year a tulip. I had to laugh because I didn’t even think of that. Hmm, I wonder if we can keep with the tradition for a third year. You will have to just wait and see.
I took MaKayla to my work today so she could see everyone and show off her costume. She is becoming so independent. She just walked through the building and into people’s offices like it was no big deal. I had to keep up with her. She was so cute!
Andy came home from work early so we could go Trick-or-Treating as a family. We just went to about 6 houses and then came home and passed out candy to kids. She had a good time and started to get the hang of holding her little bucket out. How precious!

Here she is all ready to go Trick-or-Treating.

What a cute little tulip!

Daddy taking MaKayla up to our friend’s house to go Trick-or-Treating.

Mommy and baby Tulip!

MaKayla on the front step of our hour with the pumpkins.

MaKayla with Daddy’s spooky pumpkin.

Andy and I put treats in MaKayla’s pumpkin that she could eat like animal crackers and little granola bars. I opened one of the little granola bars and gave her a bite and she ran off with it. If you tried to go near her she would run off in the other direction. She screamed when I tried to help her pull the wrapper down. The granola bar did have little chocolate chips and I think that is what she liked so much and wanted to make sure we didn't take it from her. She must get her passion for chocolate from her Momma.

Here are our three pumpkins all lit up.

Grandma Sue stopped by during her evening break from work. She was dressed up as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.

Grandma gave MaKayla this cute little Princess hat and a shirt and sweater. Becky gave her the cute little Halloween cat shirt that she is wearing. She sure is spoiled! MaKayla did try and sneak some candy but some mean Mommy took it all away.