MaKayla had her one-year check up at the doctors. Poor thing had to get four shots. She is perfectly healthy. She is in the 20th percentile. Great things come in small packages. Afterwards, we went to Edward’s Apple Orchard to pick out our pumpkins. MaKayla had a good time and picked out her pumpkin right away. We put three little pumpkins in front of her and let her choose which one she wanted. Of course we had to get some yummy donuts and apple cider. MaKayla really enjoyed helping me eat my donut and loved the apple cider. It was a great time!
Later that day the shots had set in and she didn’t feel that well so we just lounged the rest of the day.
MaKayla loves to sit in her Princess chair and watch cartoons. She has become quite cleaver and has learned that if she climbs up in the chair she can then climb up on the couch. Little stinker!