We were only given 10 invitations to MaKayla’s Dedication to the Lord. I apologize if you did not get an invitation. I also apologize that I just mailed them today! I know I am really running behind on this one. You are all welcome to come! It is this Sunday, January 28th at 9:00 am at Heartland Community Church 1280 S. Alpine Rd. Rockford, IL 61108.
There will be cake and light refreshments at our house afterwards. 5604 Longest Drive South Beloit, IL 61080. If you are planning on coming to the Dedication and/or to our house, please call or email me to let me know. We will get there early and reserve seats up front. Email: mastersondm@yahoo.com or 815-389-7924.
Hope to see you there!
We have been asked why we are not baptising MaKayla. We hope this helps answer any questions you may have. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
"While we believe that baptism is based upon a personal decision to follow Christ, a choice best made at a later stage in life, we do, however, also believe that children born into our congregation belong to Jesus and to the church in a special way. They are an integral part of the people of God and share in the life and experiences of this congregation. As Jesus said,
"Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs." (Matthew 19:14 NRSV)
Because of this, following the birth of a child in our fellowship, we consecrate them to the Lord in a special service held during Sunday worship.This service is the occasion for a child to be received and welcomed by our congregation. It is also a time for both parents and congregation to dedicate ourselves to the raising of this child in the faith. We express our thanks to God for this precious creation, and pray for strength and guidance in the days ahead.
After all, parenting is an awesome responsibility. Yes, we desire health and happiness for our children. We also want them to have faith in God, which is not a given in this age of doubt. To help them grow in grace and truth, we need all the help we can get. We believe that parents do not stand alone. In the church, a child has many mentors that assist along the way - as teachers, role models, and encouragers. Parents do, also.
That’s what this service is about. Of course, it works no magic. It cannot automatically insure a child’s salvation or protection. Neither is it simply a social obligation, an occasion for a party for friends and family. Its value lies in the faith of the parents, the nurturing responsibility of our congregation, and the providence of a loving God. Jesus was once asked,
"Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" He called a child, whom he put among them, and said, "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me. If any of you put a stumbling block before one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for you if a great millstone were fastened around your neck and you were drowned in the depth of the sea... Take care that you do not despise one of these little ones; for, I tell you, in heaven their angels continually see the face of my Father in heaven.... So it is not the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost." (Matthew 18:1-6, 10, 14 NRSV)
We believe that God’s grace richly covers our "little ones." There is a time for "adult" decisions to be made, when all of us become ultimately accountable for our choices. As we have said, baptism is reserved for those times, when we conscientiously decide to follow in Jesus’ steps, continuing his work. Until then we trust in God’s grace and wisdom to, together, raise our children in the faith."
Monday, January 22, 2007
4 Months Old!
I cannot believe that MaKayla is four months old already. It just doesn’t seem possible! Where has the time gone? Here are some pictures that we took on her 4-month birthday. Each month we have been taking pictures next to her Pooh bear to show how much she has grown. I need to post the pictures side-by-side so we can really show you the difference. As soon as my scanner is working, I will be sure to post it for you.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
We lost the battle against the thumb!
Here she is in her swing. Thumb in her mouth and holding onto her Pooh blanket with the other hand. I am amazed at how well she is doing with her hands.
I took this picture when MaKayla and Daddy were snuggling on the couch before bedtime. You can’t see it but she always has a hold of your shirt when she is snuggling. Too cute!!!
My friend Shannon has decided that watching MaKayla and her daughter was a little too much. After much research, many interviews and careful consideration we found a wonderful woman to watch our daughter. Tati and her family came to the US from Turkey seven years ago. As soon as we meet her we felt comfortable with her and her family. The instant that we walked in the house she picked up MaKayla, started swaying, talking and kissing on her. She is a very loving person! MaKayla started going to Tati’s house on Monday. Tati always tells me how good she has been and how she has missed me. I still go for my lunch hour visits, which I love. There are 5 other children and a full time helper. MaKayla really seems to like the other kids. She is always smiling and laughing at them. One little boy, Aiden who is 2, has really taken a liking to her. Tati calls him her boyfriend. Aiden often climbs up in my lap with MaKayla or lifts his arms for me to pick him up. It is really cute! The kids all love Tahi. One little boy cries when he has to leave. It makes me feel so good as a Mom to know that such a loving person is taking care of my baby. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Tati’s house is only three minutes away from work. I get to spend even more time with her at lunch now!
Friday, January 05, 2007
My 29th Birthday Sequel!
My first birthday with a little baby, being a Mom is the best gift of all! Andy surprised me with a cookie bouquet delivered to the house. I took the day off of work and spent it with MaKayla. We did have some running around to do. I had to go to the courthouse to pay my ticket for rolling through a stop sign in my subdivision. Andy, MaKayla and I spent a quiet evening at home. After dinner, Andy put candles in one of my cookies and then I opened my gifts. I was spoiled once again! The necklace that you see me holding up is a beautiful creation that my sister Roxanne made. She is quite talented!
Sorry for all the posts at one time. I have been struggling with my computer at home and have been unable to post. I figured I better catch up while I can.
Up North!
Papa Masterson
Nana Masterson
On December 27th, we headed up North to my parent’s cabin in Minocqua, WI. It was absolutely beautiful! The trees were laden with heavy snow, the weather was nice and it was picture perfect! MaKayla had a good time with Nana, Papa, Uncle Ben, Aunt Jen, Cousin Luke, Cousin Caden, Aunt Laura, Uncle Joe, Joe’s sister Ashely, and of course us. Yes, that’s right 12 people fit perfectly in the cabin. There was enough snow to go snow mobiling and sledding. It was so nice to spend time with our family. Here are some pictures of our time together.
Thank you for inviting us Up North, we had a great time!
MaKayla's First Christmas!
Grandma Baker
We had a wonderful first Christmas with MaKayla. On Christmas Eve, we went to my grandparents and then to my parent’s house. Christmas morning, we stayed home and started our own traditions. It was awesome spending time with just the three of us reflecting upon what God has done for us and how much he has blessed and enriched our lives with our precious daughter. Christmas afternoon we went to my Mom & Grandma’s and Christmas evening we went to Andy’s parents. It was a very busy two days but we enjoyed spending time with our families.
Santa was very good to me and gave me a digital camera. Sorry, I didn’t get it until Christmas morning so I don’t have photos of Christmas Eve. Now I don’t have any more excuses on posting pictures out her on the blog. Here are some pictures of MaKayla’s first Christmas. She was really spoiled with lots of toys and clothes.
We hope that all of you had a wonderful Christmas and were able to spend quality time with your families!
More Christmas Photos
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